Who we are
KERDOS FELLOWSHIP is built on the premise that the Christian entrepreneur, business person or worker occupies a place in Christ that should open him/her up to enjoy success and profit. KERDOS seeks to ignite, activate and channel the inherent capabilities of the Word of God into the lives and projects of its participants.
The Bible has a lot to say about “profit”.
- In all labour there is profit; … (Proverbs 14:23).
- Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the LORD thy God who teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee in the way that thou shouldest go. (Isaiah 48:17).
The Greek word, “Kerdos”, means profit, lucre, or advantage, hence the naming of this fellowship “KERDOS FELLOWSHIP”.
Mission Statement
KERDOS FELLOWSHIP is a call to Christian Business and Professional people from all denominations around the world to congregate strategically, once a month. The Fellowship seeks to awaken and hone the spiritual consciousness and growth of participants through the Word of God and its ability to impact their social and economic well-being with endless possibilities.
These monthly meetings, to be held every second Saturday of the month, 8:00pm GMT, 4:00pm ET, will encourage and motivate participants to develop a dynamic, robust, and consistent prayer and word-study lifestyle. The meetings will be characterized by strong prayer and Bible study geared towards building strong faith in the God who empowers and equips His people, and who promotes their assignments and projects and economic status.
A staple of all KERDOS meetings would be the release of corporate and intercessory prayer that is characterized by great torrents and fervency in the Spirit for the blessing, success, prosperity and protection of all participants, their families, their business ventures, and their investments. (Jude 20, Ephesians 6:18).
KERDOS meetings will also bear the hallmark of the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and will embrace the release of Apostolic and Prophetic mantles, impartations and declarations on participants, and on their businesses, goals and aspirations.
KERDOS would strive to build its participants up in godly character, integrity and credibility in the market place, so that they would, in turn, influence the unsaved in the business world with the light of the glorious gospel. The overarching objective is that Christ would be glorified in all strata of the business world.
KERDOS believes that, anytime there is doom, gloom and gross darkness over the earth, it is the finest hour for God’s people, and KERDOS exists to inspire hope, excitement and confidence in the participants. They are to rise and shine in the glorious light of God, as He causes the abundance of the sea (wealth and substance) to flow toward them to enable them establish the purpose of His kingdom on the earth. Isaiah 60:1-5.
KERDOS FELLOWSHIP will be moderated through the vehicle of a strong social media presence globally, as well as through other effective avenues that can facilitate the sharing and distribution of inspirational content, like the printed page, audio aids, and traditional media forms (radio, television), thus amplifying the impact of the Fellowship beyond geographical boundaries.
KERDOS envisions initiating and developing in organizations, businesses, companies and offices that the Lord grants them access to, weekly or monthly Workplace Fellowships.
As part of its global initiative, KERDOS encourages the holding of, at least, two in-person gatherings or conferences in two major cities in the world every year, gatherings that would attract businesses of international status and promote networking and affiliation with the right entrepreneurs, and provide coaching on growth and expansion of businesses. As the Lord supplies the needed spiritual and human resources, these in-person gatherings would integrate and incorporate job fairs, recruitment campaigns, skill development for researching funding opportunities for projects, strategies for building productive human resource bases, information on navigating the legal compliance landscape, and any other avenues of relevance to participants.